Elon Musk defended Telegram co-founder and CEO Pavel Durov after his arrest in Paris on Saturday and criticized his social media billionaire Mark Zuckerberg for bowing to “censorship pressure”. Musk tweeted “#FreePavel” X hours after the exiled Russian billionaire was arrested at Le Bourget airport, reportedly on charges that he allowed criminal activity to flourish on his encrypted messaging app. ...

Pavel Durov, the Russian-born founder of Telegram who was arrested in Paris, has nothing to hide as it is absurd to hold an owner responsible for abusing the messaging and social media platform, Telegram said in a statement. Durov, a 39-year-old billionaire billed as “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg”, was arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris shortly after boarding a private ...

Pavel Durov, the Russian-born founder of messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France as part of an ongoing judicial investigation and had no political motive, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday. Macron’s statement at X was the first official confirmation of Durov’s arrest, nearly two days since he was detained at Le Bourget airport outside Paris shortly after boarding ...